

April 17, 2023 Season 2 Episode 11
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Apr 17, 2023 Season 2 Episode 11

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Our lost episode has been found!

We had left Matilda in shambles on the cutting room floor after we weren't able to get separate track audio for everyone. Through the magic of perseverance we finally finished editing this episode. It's got a very 'live' feel to it, and it went off the rails in ways that are hard to explain.

We hope you enjoy this slightly-longer-than-usual quasi-live episode of Rebooted, where we talk about many things, and sometimes Matilda. We'll be getting back to our regular schedule starting in May 2023.

Support the show

Rebooted is produced by JAMR, LLC. Our Hobby is Your Fun.

Your support helps us offset hosting and caffeine costs, to learn more and see our Patreon exclusive merchandise, visit our Patreon.

You can find us online on our Facebook Group and Twitter (@PodcastRebooted).

Show Notes

Send us a question!

Our lost episode has been found!

We had left Matilda in shambles on the cutting room floor after we weren't able to get separate track audio for everyone. Through the magic of perseverance we finally finished editing this episode. It's got a very 'live' feel to it, and it went off the rails in ways that are hard to explain.

We hope you enjoy this slightly-longer-than-usual quasi-live episode of Rebooted, where we talk about many things, and sometimes Matilda. We'll be getting back to our regular schedule starting in May 2023.

Support the show

Rebooted is produced by JAMR, LLC. Our Hobby is Your Fun.

Your support helps us offset hosting and caffeine costs, to learn more and see our Patreon exclusive merchandise, visit our Patreon.

You can find us online on our Facebook Group and Twitter (@PodcastRebooted).

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