
Father of the Bride

July 25, 2022 Andak Media Season 1 Episode 20
Father of the Bride
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Father of the Bride
Jul 25, 2022 Season 1 Episode 20
Andak Media

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🎶 We're goin to the chapel and it's pretty expensive. 🎶 

Released in 1991, Steve Martin's classic slice of life comedy, Father of the Bride, follows George Banks as he recounts the events leading up to his daughter's wedding. 

Wrestling with the reality that his little girl is all grown up, George must contend with a rapidly increasing price tag and all the stress that comes along with it. 

Remade in 2022, Andy Garcia takes the helm as Billy Herrera, an intimidating Cuban father trying to repair his struggling marriage while preparing for his daughter's wedding. 

Set in his ways and determined to uphold family traditions, Billy must learn to accept that times have changed and he needs to change with them or end up alone. 

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Show Notes

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🎶 We're goin to the chapel and it's pretty expensive. 🎶 

Released in 1991, Steve Martin's classic slice of life comedy, Father of the Bride, follows George Banks as he recounts the events leading up to his daughter's wedding. 

Wrestling with the reality that his little girl is all grown up, George must contend with a rapidly increasing price tag and all the stress that comes along with it. 

Remade in 2022, Andy Garcia takes the helm as Billy Herrera, an intimidating Cuban father trying to repair his struggling marriage while preparing for his daughter's wedding. 

Set in his ways and determined to uphold family traditions, Billy must learn to accept that times have changed and he needs to change with them or end up alone. 

Support the show

Rebooted is produced by JAMR, LLC. Our Hobby is Your Fun.

Your support helps us offset hosting and caffeine costs, to learn more and see our Patreon exclusive merchandise, visit our Patreon.

You can find us online on our Facebook Group and Twitter (@PodcastRebooted).

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